guardian EPICS Interface

When guardian is run in The guardian Daemon mode, it creates an EPICS control interface that can be used to control the process and inspect it’s status.

All channels created by the interface are given the following channel prefix:


For instance, the MODE channel for the IFO_LOCK guardian node for the L1 detector would be:


daemon control/status channels

OP : Operational mode of node
  • 0: STOP
  • 1: PAUSE
  • 2: EXEC

MODE : Execution mode of node.

EXEC and MANAGED correspond to active state graph execution modes.

  • 0: AUTO
  • 1: MANAGED
  • 2: MANUAL

STATE : Current state (string)

STATE_N : Current state index (int)

STATE_S: Current state string (string)


Index of current requested state state index (see below)


Index of next state in the calculated path state index (see below)


Index of next state in the calculated path state index (see below)


Index of next state in the calculated path state index (see below)


Usercode load request

  • 0: DONE
  • 1: REQUEST
  • 2: SET
  • 4: ERROR

STATUS : Internal state of the node. Indicates which state method is currently being executed, or if a state transition is occurring.

  • 0: ‘ENTER’
  • 1: ‘MAIN’
  • 2: ‘RUN’
  • 3: ‘DONE’
  • 4: ‘JUMP’
  • 5: ‘REDIRECT’
  • 6: ‘EDGE’
  • 7: ‘INIT’

ERROR : Non-zero is some sort of execution error has occurred. ‘Connect’ errors mean that there is an EPICS communication error, and that the node is attempting to reestablish connection. 0: ‘False’, 1: ‘True’, 3: ‘Connect’

NOTIFICATION : Non-zero is there is a operator notification present in the USERMSG channel. 0: ‘False’, 1: ‘True’

VERSION : Current running version of the Guardian core for this node. integer (possibly float in the future)

MEDM interface
