.. _interface: :program:`guardian` EPICS Interface ==================================== When :program:`guardian` is run in :ref:`daemon` mode, it creates an EPICS control interface that can be used to control the process and inspect it's status. All channels created by the interface are given the following channel prefix:: :GRD-_ For instance, the ``MODE`` channel for the ``IFO_LOCK`` guardian node for the ``L1`` detector would be:: L1:GRD-IFO_LOCK_MODE daemon control/status channels ------------------------------ ``OP`` : Operational mode of node * 0: `STOP` * 1: `PAUSE` * 2: `EXEC` ``MODE`` : Execution mode of node. `EXEC` and `MANAGED` correspond to active state graph execution modes. * 0: `AUTO` * 1: `MANAGED` * 2: `MANUAL` ``STATE`` : Current state (string) ``STATE_N`` : Current state index (int) ``STATE_S``: Current state string (string) :``REQUEST``: Index of current requested state state index (see below) :``REQUEST_N``: :``REQUEST_S``: :``TARGET_N``: Index of next state in the calculated path state index (see below) :``TARGET_N``: Index of next state in the calculated path state index (see below) :``TARGET_N``: Index of next state in the calculated path state index (see below) :``LOAD``: Usercode load request :``LOAD_STATUS``: * 0: `DONE` * 1: `REQUEST` * 2: `SET` * 3: `INPROGRESS` * 4: `ERROR` :``LOAD_TIME``: ``STATUS`` : Internal state of the node. Indicates which state method is currently being executed, or if a state transition is occurring. * 0: 'ENTER' * 1: 'MAIN' * 2: 'RUN' * 3: 'DONE' * 4: 'JUMP' * 5: 'REDIRECT' * 6: 'EDGE' * 7: 'INIT' ``ERROR`` : Non-zero is some sort of execution error has occurred. 'Connect' errors mean that there is an EPICS communication error, and that the node is attempting to reestablish connection. 0: 'False', 1: 'True', 3: 'Connect' ``NOTIFICATION`` : Non-zero is there is a operator notification present in the USERMSG channel. 0: 'False', 1: 'True' ``VERSION`` : Current running version of the Guardian core for this node. integer (possibly float in the future) MEDM interface -------------- .. _fig_medm_main: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_MAIN.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_main_opmode: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_MAIN_OPMODE.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_states: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_STATES.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_main_exectime: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_MAIN_EXECTIME.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_main_archive: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_MAIN_ARCHIVEID.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_main_managed: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_MAIN_MANAGED.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_compact: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_COMPACT.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_main_spm: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_MAIN_SPM_ENABLED.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_main_spm_enabled: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_MAIN_SPM_DIFF.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center .. _fig_medm_spm: .. figure:: _static/MEDM_SPM.png :width: 600px :figwidth: 700px :align: center